James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

Another School Shooting Today I hear --- INTRACTABLE CONFLICTS can be the root source of why as person would go and commit these acts
1 message

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 10:22 PM
To: "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>
Cc: Michael Catron / Wave <wpeladocan@yahoo.com>
Inline image 1



Begin here: http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/BasicHJumanNeeds/

said out for narrative

  http colon slash slash awesome kramobone playroom dot school slash basic human needs

When there is no mpatapo reconciliation binding in our information society -- This is what happens --- in all of society --

There is no option but to go shoot up some thing like a school!!!

  Why schools?  Why Schools?   I don't  know the answers here.... but something is wrong in our society to just allow these to pass withouit an address of

BeyondIntractability.Org --- source work: http://conflict.colorado.edu -- where I was embedded to those materials.

My school ideal should carry and move forward -- it is an online school of thought for adult consensual practices and has the element of holding a EMOTIONAL BINDING PRESENCE at @fuckeduphuman.net for people who deserve their placement there within a person's life --- who does not care to change.

It works,, I know it works, when there is no conspiracy involved and is placed upon them as a means of roping a person back from an offense.   I have received apology for online and offline activities that are offensive.  Apologies and perhaps a thinking process of persuasive technology to not be so abusive to common decency next time.  That is true when there is no hidden agenda of the persons involved in contacting me first --- or when social services in this case are hiding a big dark damn fucked up human secret.  Which they are.   Unless they are completely obstanant to the power of indexing of content showing @fuckeduphuman.net domain on them -- thinking me crazy -- when they are the ones pathologically liars sociopaths of indecency.  For no rational person would retain themselves to "no care" about being listed at fuckeduphuman.net -- which includes you now Mr Jackson.  You would care right?  This binding presence is missing in our information society, the community address #06 of topic.

http://community.gruwup.net/06/. -- links to a LinkedIn forums blog post and spoken voice text narrative.  Am I not getting the technology right for your device?  I don't think so... for I can go to any library and pull it up ---- works fine and dandy first time try.  What is wrong with you?   Oh, a bias knowing I am showing something here that you don't want to have to conced to the truth. 

The source of this is of course a AFRICAN BASED meaning the niggers have the answer in memeplex that I am calling for to empower. Tough Tiddy!!

Learn to respect the world order.

We can't agree to give them that credit in this racially divided nation.  You can't handle the truth.

That is why this conspiracy will not be terminated when it should be .... for #BlackLivesMatter is the calling of this case as well. 

Your bias is noted for the record -- if you do not respond to these digital objects of TechnoREALism as an ultimate argument of  "legal necessity" based on the statement made about shootings.  I don't want to know the details of it right now.


If we have understanding of mpatapo binding presence at @fuckeduphuman.net --- it is already available to be used by the public if they so choose to use naming urls....

anyname.fuckeduphuman.net ---- serves content.

I have set it up this way on purpose.

Where this is a VALID URL

http://jonathan-arellano-jackson.fuckeduphuman.net  --- serves the root directory of the domain as a memespace.   Actually all three domains work the same.


Look -- you are already in a pickle to do the right thing.  Look, this is valid links

Index of /#Mpatapo-BindingKnotOfReconcillation/MP3-MUSIC-For-You-To-Listen-To

Would you not agree better to be @Grruwup #Kramobone-The.Good and not lose your integrity trust-binding.  I can redirect a general use sub-domain to a very specific use folder --- such as:

http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net --- this has the documentation of conspiracy exposed way way out there in new information theory -- that is indexed.  It is shocking to see the content preview via a Facebook post.  I will show you how it works.

 It is live to the universe of the internet of things. 

I want my rights enforced upon the universe of people --- by a letter issued by the court that must respect my right to hold this technology against a offending party and for them to have to respond or else be subject to violating my communication access rights as a person with disabilities.

Help for assistance on building peace tools for our world. I know they work --- just imagine if they had a user interface and social acceptance to become a computing [ computing and moral responsibility source plato.standford.edu ] moral agent as an AI assistant for conflict resolutions. Oh, you might be out of  a job. Lawyers replaced by computing assistant. Not quite.  But really now.... this has to become reality.....

I don't know how to word such a letter yet.   I am ready to see you on Friday and will have a flash drive of content for your homework.  It is imperative as legal necessity to argue this case complexity or find written reconcillation with social services and that includes now my healthcare doctor presence -- Dr Zane at the Dept. of Public Health in San Benrardino who is desciminating against me for having an insight into a conspiracy that he does not wish to have to acknowledge.  Any doctor I deal with ---- across this nation is going to have to understand this technology is live active memespace and may effect their social standing trust quotient for not doing the right thing in HIV/aids community messaging per the CDC researching mission right now.  That message I have for them --- shows an embarrassment of his care and concern for me and the community as a whole..    

--- That is the true grit topic of that email that must be received and responded to.   It is unacceptable for him to deny services at the last minute and let Foothill Aids Project deal with it.  NO --- Wrong Paradigm --- for it must shift to accessibility per the United Nations Documentations to Enable the Rights For Persons with Disabilities.  I have two.  HIV/AIDS and Mental Illness that needs to be legally enforced and respected.  That means any mistakes in  my emails say you reply for clarity if you don't understand something written. But I think my writing, not being perfect, is pretty damn straight on target morally just to be sending out to anyone in the universe to drawn concern and care of these issues.  Thank you for representing the truth and me in this manner.

I expect that paradym shift iin communication accessibly in persons with disability rights to be part of your understanding to represent me properly. 

Else we have conflict in our case that must resolve itself, I will carry on without you to my best ability or see the judge and file a motion to read the foundation arguments of legal necessity on file record publicly before proceeding with this case.


with 🗣 http://adinkra.gruwup.net/Nyansapo-Wisdom.Knot.htm

Nyansapo Wisdom Knot
Play audio description: English Espanol



Yes, I am using sense wiseness as a racial concept here.  If you have been told by every form of media that the darkness of your smooth skin, the thickness of your kinky curls, the fullness of your perfect lips, and the soul-stirring curves of your hips/thighs/backside are ALL WRONG, you need some hardcore sense wiseness to know these are lies and to see the beauty that everyone denies.  You need sense wiseness to know the truth behind a jury and judge of white women who say an unarmed black boy is a danger and should be killed.  You need sense wiseness to know that no, there’s nothing wrong with you when you see the white graduate students and faculty around you get support, nurture, and get-out-of-jail free-passes that you don’t. You need sense wiseness to know that your people are not unhuman, unlovable, unpretty even when the world suggests otherwise.   Every group does not have to cultivate sense wiseness like this; sense wiseness is what you need to counter dominance and power so those who represent that are not part of this counter-system.   Sense wiseness is what lets you question the dogma of a world that denigrates you and tries to control your thinking and action.  Certainly not all black people have it… and surviving this world won’t be easy for them.