JMIR - General Feedback
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
We strive to maintain our position as the leading peer-reviewed ehealth journal and ehealth research portal.
We will constantly enhance our service, by responding to what readers and authors tell us.
We have a long to-do list and your feedback will help us to identify priorities for development.
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Which role(s) describe(s) you best
Multiple roles may be selected
How do you rate the following
If you have specific comments, please add them under LIKE or DISLIKE in the open questions below. Leave items unanswered if you DON'T KNOW.
very poor
Website presentation and design
Website navigation and usability
Quality of content
Website functionality
Manuscript submission process
Subscription/membership process
Journal reputation
Social media presence
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What do you LIKE most about JMIR or the JMIR website?
Feel free to tell us briefly how JMIR has helped you or how important JMIR is for your work. (Optional: If you allow us to quote you on our website or elsewhere e.g. for fundraising, please sign it with your name, job title, affiliation and email address, and add "Please feel free to quote me on your website or on other publications". Thank you!).
What do you DISLIKE most about JMIR or the JMIR website?
Or which features / services are missing?
We are considering to add the following features - please rate how important they would be for you
For additional suggestions, please add them in the DISLIKE box above. Leave question items unanswered if you don't know. Don't score everything a "5" - we like to learn more about your relative priorities.
1 not important at all
2 least important
3 medium important
4 important
5 most important
More social media "share" buttons underneath each article
Ability to comment on / discuss each article on each article page
Article level impact metrics (citations, views, tweets) on each article page
Nicer table of contents with images / thumbnails for each article
Classified ads on the site (jobs, conferences)
Interviews (audio/video) with authors for each (or specific) articles, podcasts
iOS (ipad/iphone) or android app
Download entire bibliography of each article into bibliographic software (Endnote etc)
Collections of articles with specific topics (Topical e-collections)
Profile pages of authors, users etc with social networking capability
Wiki pages associated with each article
Database of ongoing ehealth research and protocols
Web-app mode (web content optimized for mobile devices)
Newsarticles, Industry news
Journal Club (discussing papers published elsewhere)
More commentary and editorials
Readers can rate each article (e.g. 5-star scale)
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Strategically, would you like JMIR see to broaden its scope, publish more articles (at the risk of decreasing the "impact factor"), or be even more selective?
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If you have considered to become an individual or institutional member, why have you not become a member yet?
Are there any services or features (from the list above or others) we should add for PAYING MEMBERS?
(in other words, which services or features are important enough for you to pay for?)
If you want us to contact you regarding any of the issues above, please leave your email address
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