Humana · It’s important to get the vaccines you need to help protect yourself, your loved ones and the wider community—including the people most at risk for getting sick. But especially as an adult, it’s not always easy to know which ones you’re due for. For National Immunization Awareness Month, we’d like to remind you to talk to your provider about what vaccines you may be missing. Answer a few questions to find out if you may need any vaccines at Then talk to your doctor. Making it easier for you to stay on top of your health with resources at your fingertips—that’s human care. #nationalimmunizationawarenessmonth See less Comments Top Fan : [ - Earned Top Fan Badge.jpg ] : James Martin Houser WILL HUMANA RESPOND TO THIS? ----- ---- PREVIEW? Reply 2h Top Fan : [ - Earned Top Fan Badge.jpg ] : James Martin Houser Humana, you are being pushed pushed pushed to provide a pathway of resolve that does not give the HIV DOCTORS or any other DOCTORS the RIGHT to DENY a CONVERSATION about the TRUTH. BECAUSE I AM NOT GOING TO SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT WHAT I HOLD --- MORAL AGENCY about these circumstances. I WILL NOT ACCEPT A RESET OF A PRIMARY TO AN ID INFECTIOUS DISEASE SPECIALIZED CARE REFERRAL EVEN UNDER A NEW GROUP ---- which I did switch. Without an INTERVENING BUSINESS INSTRUMENT TO PREVENT WHAT HAS CAUSED THE FAILURE AFTER FAILURE AFTER FAILURE --- No matter if verbal [ off the record ] instructions have been given to any primary care doctor or any other specialized care doctor onto my actually open loophole insurance policy documents. I do not believe it would matter if I had a different group plan, or it would not matter if I had a different insurance carrier itself -- the exact same paradigm that brings the doctor to AVOID this topic conversation is UNAVOIDABLE by choosing to TERMINATE DOCTOR/PROVIDER CARE against the FUDICARY RESPONSIBILITIRES of the DOCTOR SIDE of this arrangement of DOCTORS and/or any other HEALTHCARE PROVIDER or other social services interface of HIPAA [ NPI ] Services that are needed to be PROPERLY OFFERED TO ME, PROCESSED, AND SERVICES OPEN TO A TRUST/RELIANCE QUALITY AND STANDARDS OF CARE. THESE MATTERS ARE NOT MINOR --- THESE MATTERS ARE HIGH IMPORTANCE of PRIORITY of CONSIDERATION and BLATANTT IGNORANCE TO NOT ADDRESS THIS DYSFUNCTIONAL LOOPHOLE given and ALLOWANCE for DOCTORS a methodological to BREAK THE LAW without having any ramifications of DENIAL OF MEDICAL SERVICES to WITHHOLD MEDICAL CARE in a FATAL LINEAGE OF CHOICES OF CERTAIN DEATH OVER LIFE ENDING OUTCOMES IS UNACCEPTABLE AND CLASSIFIED AS MURDER! IN A VIOLATION OF UNITED STATES CODE TITLE 18, SECTION 242 -- DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS UNDER COLOR OF LAW, UPON MY DEATH AND THOSE WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE TO HAVE BEEN INSTRUMENTAL IN VIOLATING MY RIGHTS CAN BE IN FACT FOUND GUILTY AND PUNISHED BY LEGAL EXTREMITY OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT OF THE DEATH PENALTY! THAT IS EXACTLY HOW SERIOUS THESE MATTERS ARE ACTUALLY TRANSPIRED AND INVOLVED HERE! Reply 6m Top Fan : [ - Earned Top Fan Badge.jpg ] : James Martin Houser The avoidance of this matter leads to the same uncomfortable situation where DOCTORS have to CONCEAL a fact that I ---- VERY SPECIFICALLY --- am CHANGING the CONSENT AGREEMENT SECTION OF EACH and EVERY NEW PATIENT AGREEMENT SECTIONS OF THEIR SERVICES APPLICATION. SPECIFICALLY: [ MY RIGHTS ARE FULL AND LEGAL TO IMPOSE AND FORCE THIS MATTER INTO THIS MATRIX ]: The SCHOOL PROJECT THAT WAS STARTED AND I CONTINUE TO HOLD HERE ---- IS AN Adult Consent Thought and Practices School A School and INFORMATIONAL NETWORKING PRESENCE On our CYBERSPACE that is a PEACE BUILDING / TRUST BUILDING / TRUST BINDING INFORMATIONAL THEORY CONSTRUCT CONCEPTUAL PLATFORM - and you can not HOLD A MODEL OF DECEPTION OR COUNTER-MEME --- TO some other DISORDERLY CONDUCT unaccepted by consent. [ HUMANA Top Fan : [ - Earned Top Fan Badge.jpg ] : BADGE ]: http://comply.consent-denied.without-addressing-the-found... ----- Unwilling to negotiate terms --- is grounds to have SOCIAL MEDIA NET GODS DETERMINE your not being a "responsible net citizen" and in fact wrongdoing must be the underlying cause. As with Foothill Aids Project, I am moving to file COMMUNITY NUISANCE CLAIMS to have their BUSINESS OPERATIONS PERMANENTLY TERMINATED --- SUSPENDED -- CEASED AS A COMMUNITY NUISANCE because BUSINESS LEGAL OPERATIONS AND CITIZEN [ MEMBER RIGHTS ] ARE BEING INTENTIONALLY VIOLATED! CONSENT IS.... DENIED in the same status quo paradigm. CONSENT of any and all medical care processes or procedures not directly given transparency onto my doctor provider healthcare is being SPECIFICALLY CONSENT DENIED! http://comply.consent-denied.without-addressing-the-found... Consent is.... F.R.I.E.S. Freely Given Reversible Informed Enthusiastic Specific ---- Reply Remove Preview 6m Top Fan : [ - Earned Top Fan Badge.jpg ] : James Martin Houser CONSENT IS.... DENIED in the same status quo paradigm. CONSENT of any and all medical care processes or procedures not directly given transparency onto my doctor provider healthcare is being SPECIFICALLY CONSENT DENIED! http://comply.consent-denied.without-addressing-the-found... Consent is.... F.R.I.E.S. Freely Given Reversible Informed Enthusiastic Specific ---- Reply Remove Preview 5m NOTE: Each of the following present Human Respones Here in this Thread Will Have a [ TOP FAN ] Response Regarding This Subject. That response will be the following OFFLINE WEB ARCHIVE PRESENTATION LINKS. [1] TO HUMANA - SHORT PRESENTATION: [2] TO HUMANA - AND COMMUNITY SUPPORTIVE CARE FUNCTIONS Marshia McCarty May And CDC needs to close it’s doors. They have done enough damage Reply 8h Holly Littlefield The last time wild polio virus was diagnosed (brought in by foreign travelers) was 1993. Hmmm..... What do we have to say about mr. byden's open border policy? Did you know that, in the early polio vacks campaigns, many children were severely infected by polio from the immunization???? Reply 1h Steven Miehlke Holly Littlefield Don't confuse the leftist idiots with FACTS . . . it makes 'em feel all "ishey." Here's a quick FACT . . . there has NEVER been a case of multiple sclerosis in a NON-POLIO-VACCINATED HUMAN . . . NEVER. That disease killed my first wife. Reply 43m Holly Littlefield Steven Miehlke So sorry you lost your wife. Reply 15m Patty Ward Beers Marshia McCarty May You are so wrong… Reply 12m Ron Smith #Polio approves this post Reply 6m Betty Simmons I TRY TO STAY UP TO DATE ,TALK TO Doctors and watch the news Reply 8h Ron Kirshman Betty Simmons Watching the news is your first mistake. Reply 1h Russell Taylor Ron Kirshman They don't call it programming for fun do they? Reply 1h David Lango Russell Taylor is right! It looks like Betty Simmons programming is complete! Reply 11m Tim Martin Betty Simmons good luck with that Reply 1h Ferdinand Kerner Betty Simmons yes yes specially cnn Reply 52m Jann Todd Betty Simmons Guess you are brain washed. Bet you are sick a lot also. Some vacs like polio are good as long as they aren't putting poisons in them. This crap of 2 shots, 2-6 boosters for covid is totally stupid. If the shots worked that well why are people that got them getting sick. Reply 44m Richard Malin Turn your TV off stop listening to doctors and start doing your own research. All the info is out there. The doctors, Dirty Dems and big pharma are all in it together. Reply 20m David Lango Richard Malin and they control the 📺 and 🖥 programming Reply 10m Holly Littlefield Prior to the last 2 years, I was thinking: "I'm all done with needles." The last 2 years have convinced me that I will never, ever roll up my sleeve for a needle again. Reply 4h John Magathan Holly Littlefield Smart move dont take any of it. I was always told that when something is free there is a catch. Reply 3h Ron Kirshman John Magathan Even more so when there's a gift offered as an added incentive. Reply 1h Edward Tigchelaar Holly Littlefield You made the right decision. This covid-19 jab is experimental. The Jabbees (you & me) are the experiment. If approved, it will not be a vaccine until January of 2023, yet it is being pushed hard by big Pharma, CDC, WHO, Canada Health as a Vaccine. Secondly, this same bunch condemn Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Quercetin which many doctors swear is both effective and safe. Reply 2hEdited Holly Littlefield Edward Tigchelaar I have been screaming from the keyboard for 2 years now, warning all, getting FB jail time. Warning of A D E, posting V A E R S reports. When hubby and I (both pure bloods) got k0vyd in January, we were VERY sick. Had to go on black market to get the meds we needed. I am beyond disgusted re: the agenda. Reply 2h Holly Littlefield Edward Tigchelaar I believe you and I are the jabbernaughts! Reply 2h Joe Serio Holly Littlefield amen Reply 56m Sally O'Brien Dillon Holly Littlefield I hope you didn't role up your sleeve for any of these ---whatever they are---that they have been calling "vaccines" and shoving in peoples' arms the last year and a half . Reply 42m Holly Littlefield Sally O'Brien Dillon Absolutely not. I'm a pure blood! Natural immunity all the way. Reply 34m Sparrow Garden ...missing information... How come FB did not tag this! Reply 8h Kimberly Schmitz Sparrow Garden They haven’t seen it yet Reply 7m Vicenta Julian I had 2 Moderna vaccines and 2 Booster shots. Thank God there was no reaction. Reply 10h Patty Ward Beers Vicenta Julian And the coolest part is you are alive!! Reply 11m Judy Hemmen And you didn't have a stroke like my husband. Reply 10m Holly Littlefield 80% of adults have come to the conclusion that vaxcines are not in their best interests. it's called: making informed medical decisions. A basic human right. Reply 3h Robert Parker I'm taking the advice of my doctor. Thanks for playing. Reply 5h M Dewayne Brantley protect like biden was protected , I don't think so. I'll believe in unicorns before the stuff you folks are pushing Reply 2h Terri Manchester Amen 🙏 Reply 7h Larry Miller There is a reason for that... it's not neglect. Reply 11h Devin Parker And for goodness sake vaccinate your young kids! Reply 9h Sally O'Brien Dillon SMART people won't get ANY!! Reply 52m Lynn Marie Lewis I'm up to date. Considering Shingles vacinatiation. Reply 13h Kathy Corlette When my primary care physician tells me I should get a vaccine I will consider it, ,,,, Reply 4h Richard Malin Stop listening to our government, they are shooting you full of who knows what. CDC needs to go. Reply 23m Paul Hoesing I had a polio booster early in the 1960s qnd that is as up to date as I will ever be. Reply 6h Heidi German Paul Hoesing me too! Just the polio one. So thankful to my mother (1921-2016). My four sibs and I had all of the usual childhood infections. Having grown up in Germany in a clean environment and with natural foods, they were really no big deal. Mom knew that these childhood infections strengthen the immune system and provide life long immunity. Oh, and just like my mom, I never had influenza nor a flu shot. Big Pharma hates people like me! No $$$ to be made off healthy people! Reply 14mEdited Gerard Payne Check a little bit closer and see that none of them help anyone but the manufacturer. Reply 1h Pam Marie You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. Sad but that's the nature of many human "horses" lately. Reply 10h Lois Bartholomew-Degeneffe Pam Marie horses are also led to the abattoir. Reply 7hEdited Lisa Soldavini Pam Marie Bahhhhhhhhhh Reply 4h Jim Wolarey If 80% of the folks aren't with the program, it's not really "routine", is it? Reply 8h Charlie Lukes And the government lets people enter this country without proof of immunization Reply 7h Jerrald Zemba Charlie Lukes True. Every border jumper that came here has been unchecked for diseases Reply 7h Ceci Balou Jerrald Zemba The people who are undocumented will escape the planned genocide for half the population to be culled by 2023 as planned. Reply 6h Tony Mendoza Charlie Lukes demrats hate americans and love illegal votes Reply 6h Ceci Balou Tony Mendoza Dominion machine votes not the people. Your vote counts as consent to be robbed for politicians living large. Reply 6h Dutch Metzger 4 out of 5 are smarter than I thought. Reply 11h Judy Tilford 4 out of 5 adults are smarter than they thought we were. Reply 1h Patty Collins Will not pay I had it Reply 5h Jerro Davies .. do you have the 'low risk' strawberry flavor please? Reply 40m Billy Payette And if not you will be fired from your job. Just remember this. Submit!!! Reply 13h Tommy Thompson My Amish friends & I are on the same natural & healthy page. Don't trust the corrupt government, psycho public education system and the health care / big pharma synthetic drugs. Work hard, eat good and trust God. Reply 11h Holly Littlefield Tommy Thompson AMEN!!! Reply 29m Gil Cavazos Billy Payette Hammered it, my man! It is submit, or be homeless, & starve!! Reply 10hEdited Steven Vates vaccines i 'll know never to get too! Reply 12hEdited Marcie Renee Reply 29m Raymond Reams Haven't taken any, won't take any, those who want to should, those who don't shouldn't... Reply 7h Marshia McCarty May Don’t need any of them. Plus There are meds for Covid that are cheap and very effective Reply 8h Jerrald Zemba Marshia McCarty May We used Tamiflu, and it actually works. Paxlivid is garbage that gives a secondary viral infection Reply 7h Bob Addison I've had the vaccines I needed years ago. covid isnt one of them. And for gods sake don't experiment on your children. Reply 5hEdited Mickey Motherway VAX or DNR please choose . If DNR stay away from normal people. Reply 9h Bernard Campbell Mickey Motherway you can have mine. Reply 8h Mickey Motherway Bernard Campbell congratulations , you are now Typhoid Mary. Reply 8h Bernard Campbell Mickey Motherway GIF may contain Sheeple, sheep and followers Reply 7h Holly Littlefield Mickey Motherway Normal? Please define? If you are saying that the new normal is altered human DNA b/c of mRNA technology.... I'll stick with the OLD normal... Remember that: just like God made me? And, if you are afraid of the pure bloods, well.... you really shouldn't be, because you had the jabbs. So, you're protected, right??? Reply 2hEdited Tom Lavis How about a list of useless vacs that you don't need. except for someone's profit. Reply 10h Timothy Legere Vaccines are like recession, no one knows what it means. Reply 11h Mike Blackburn Natural immunity is the best way to go.Of course big Pharma will take your money. Reply 3h Michael Hall I dont need any of your so-called vaccines Reply 3h Donna Meyer You're not fooling me... Reply 1h John Sharp You may shove your vaccines. Reply 3h Richard Myers It’s hard to do when friends fully vaccinated with boosters die You gonna need more than Fauci to convince Us Reply 1hEdited John Magathan I am up to date got my last shots in boot camp 68` and never again. Take your poison somewhere else. Reply 3h Tim Martin much more important to take your money for not much of anything other than dishonesty and ineffectiveness Reply 1h Carmen Acosta Get a booster shot Reply 6h Dennis Cornelison The COVID vaccine fiasco is sure to drive people away from the vaccines that actually work. Reputation once destroyed is only repaired slowly and with consistent fidelity to the truth. Not by maximizing profits by having politicians lie for you. Reply 56m Micco Edison 👹 Reply 58m Jerry Jepson follow the money, they could care less for us Reply 7h Phill Martin Pfizer should be investigated for putting the president's life at risk, first insisting that their vaccines would protect him from infection and illness then releasing a treatment that further put his life at danger. Who knows how much his health has been affected. Reply 2h Norma Woods none Reply 8m Milica Stojanovska NO ANNYYYY! Reply 11h Douglas Habersaat jonestown: keep drinking the kool-aid Reply 3h Rhonda Moudy Messner Adults don't need ROUTINE vaccinations and NO ONE needs the injurious c*o*v*i*d shot. Reply 47m Elisa Hardee According to my doctor, were better off without your so called vaccines. Especially all your new ones. Reply 1h Elsie Dabrowski Bull Reply 10h Russell Taylor Screw your "vaccines" , SMH nothing but fraud and poisons. Reply 1h Ernest Sidney Cashion And they never will be, thanks to Jenny McCarthy Jim Carrey Joe Rogan and all the idiots spewing lies. Reply 2h Augustina Guzman Hilden When you get the flu virus you only need one SHOT. Why in the world do you need 1. 2.3. 4. and more for this stupid vaccine. never. Reply 2h Don Mabry You don't need any vaccines. Reply 5h Kathleen Mazel if you want GOOD Health stay away from ALL Jabs!!! All of them damage your health!! There is NO such thing as a Good Jab... they are all contaminated and have been from the start... TRUTH IS ALL COMING OUT AND YOU WILL SOON SEE JUST HOW MUCH DAMAGE IS IN ALL JABS. Dr, Andrew Moulden proved in court that ALL Jabs cause damage to our health.. HE won again AMA, FDA, Big Pharma and then two weeks later he was found DEAD on his living room floor.... what does this tell you? Yes, it told me the same thing... what is happening is EVIL!! Reply 5hEdited Michael Bothwell Sadly, what you and the rest of the medical world have done is give us a very bad feeling when we hear the word vaccine. When drug companies are allowed to bypass all their own procedures for releasing a new vax into the market, why should we trust you or them. Scientists did not begin working on the Pfizer vax until Jan 2020. If I remember right, it hit the millions of people in Dec 2020. And Pfizer admits that the three month test they did was done simultaneously with development and production. You folks expect everyone to be stupid and stop there. But the next question is how do you do a test on people with a new vax when it is still in development or production? The timelines look questionable. And what this would and does tell any intelligent person is the drug companies are more than willing to circumvent their own safety in development for the sake of saving the world with a vaccine that did nothing to slow the spread of C19. And they admitted that. But now the real question is are all the vaxes off those EUAs? After two years and millions of test subjects with the new claims the vaxes are safe for children >5, there should be no reason to be doing this effort with an experimental drug or emergency use only. What's the emergency. You lost the faith and trust many of us had for what we have had all our lives. Because not once in our lives did anyone ever tell us the vaccine we receive won't prevent contraction or transmission of the disease. A lot of things just did not make sense this go around. But forcing people with job loss threat was unacceptable. Especially when 99.9+% of people survived the virus with no vaccine. It's too late. We are a little vax shy shy because of trust now. Reply 6h Kimberly Schmitz Stay safe avoid the vaccines Reply 7m Dorothy Marshall Amen. Amen Reply 8m Kate McGowan Nope, vaccines are not ever on my agenda. Trust nobody to inject your body with these barely tested products. Reply 24m James Holder GIF may contain yes, sir, dog, nodding, head and absolutely Reply 31m Stuart M. Mike Baker Round #2 for OLD GEEZER PNEUMONIA VACCINE Next Month Reply 36m Jamie Kelso 4 out of 5 are intelligent!! Reply 39m Joanna Mell PLEASE STAWWWPPPPP THIS GARBAGE!!! Human beings have something called an IMMUNE SYSTEM which works extremely well if a person takes the time to study it and maintain it!! I have never had a flu shot and I don't get the flu. Never had a COVID shot either. SO STOP PUSHING YOUR PHARMA CRAP. Doctors are absolutely IGNORANT about health. Reply 57m Joe Serio All many vaccines do is make someone a lot of money Reply 57m Charles Walker Yeah I'm gonna relay on 90 day data readouts from big pharma. Hey Scott Gottlieb how is that Pfizer board membership working out forya bud. You went from ex FDA commissioner to board member of Pfizer what like 30 days before the covid19 pandemic. Makes you go hummm Reply 1h Regina McGlashen No thanks!!!! Reply 1h Thomas Riggle No thanks Reply 1h Rick Strain NONE! Reply 1h James Glovac After the covid vaccine lies & BS I may never get a vaccine again! You can't trust the Pharmaceutical companies, CDC, the WHO, or our government. Reply 1h Scott Foresman bull Reply 1h Peter Ramsey My immune system told me that they are lieing Reply 1h Lola Ferguson Got all mine. Reply 2h Edward Tigchelaar Do not under any circumstance take the Covid -19 vaccine (Jab) or any of the boosters, unless you have a death wish. People are dropping like flies from myocarditis and/or pericarditis (inflammation of heart muscle and sac around the heart respectively). Serious stuff that the media is silent on as well many medical authorities. Reply 2h Anthony Dellomo GOOGLE RENEWED MINDS 2PURE HEARTS Reply 3h Margaret Gunter You don't need any vaccines Reply 3h Fred Delaney The life insurance companies will not pay your loved ones because you received an experimental treatment. Reply 3h Robin Heiret poison pushers Reply 3h Dan Page No thanks. Reply 4h Al Bernal Big Pharma shill. Reply 4h Linda Hambrick It's my choice and my life !! Thank you Reply 4h Jim Kroenke MISINFORMATION Reply 4h Michael O'Brien You vacs Nazis are insane. Reply 4h Bob Ehret No thanks I'm not your guinny pig Reply 4h Mark Longanecker Vaccines don't work! Reply 4h Marilyn Udairam Strongly agree, thanks Beautiful. Reply 5h Natalie Lubovitsky Vaccines promotion have never been so aggressive. Big Pharma makes a lot of money promoting this crap Reply 5h John Belluardo You can blame the CDC for poisoning the well. Reply 5h James McAfee Is it true the Covid shot is experimental ? Is it nick named the clot shot . Asking for a friend . Reply 5h TJ Duff Health doesn't come from a syringe. Reply 5h Russ Western Reply 6h Carolyn Johnson I never knew there were so many Foolish A* people in America before this, what an eye opener. Reply 6h Elaine Bookter Oops! Reply 6h Mylah Spears Unsubscribe Reply 6h Mildred Prestenbach I got all of them. Reply 6h Ceci Balou The 3rd leading cause of deaths in the US is medical malpractice. 800,000 people die each year from medical malpractice, records show. Reply 6h Stevan Baker 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 Reply 6h David Wood Jr. don't be stupid you do not need any. Reply 6h Tony Mendoza No way lied to by humana Reply 6h RaLy Hilliard They are doing more harm than good, stop with the BS Reply 6h Kristi Welton Congratulations to your beautiful family! 😍👏💕 Reply 6h Beth Ellen Causey die while they can still print money!!! Reply 6h Paul Mueller I took all 15, just to make sure Reply 6h George Clarke Go away! You've done damage to the population that may be irreversible. Reply 7h Kathleen Miller Please you might want to always look up patents and ingredient in everything and side effects Much love Reply 7h Jerrald Zemba Do not trust the Center of Deception and Control. The mNRA china virus shots are pure population exterminator jabs thru crashing the immune system Reply 7h Guy Dunning Screw that .. What's in these ??? Reply 7h Andy Cencarik Got my own Reply 7h Lee Gotcher You don't need any experimental vaccines and that's what the Covid vaccine and boosters are experimental not FDA approved. Reply 7h Bay Anderson CDC is a crooked goverment company , in it for the money & helping the Marxist democrats destroy America 🇺🇸 Reply 7h Nancy McEldowney Ain't doin' vaccines. God gave me an immune system. Reply 7h Lois Traylor I am on all of mine. Reply 8h Leny Freeman This whole virus scare is a test to see how many gullible sheep there are in the world. Those who haven't been vaccinated yet will never be vaccinated. Therefore we got a control group sticking out like a sore thumb and it's the vaccinated that are getting more cases of Covid than the control group of unvaccinated. Everyone willing to open their eyes can see that. Reply 8h JayJay Solari yeah we all trust you medicos now. Reply 8h Roderick Mcleod Ugh Reply 8h Carolyn Morris Don't trust them Reply 8h David Cummings Bless your heart !!! Reply 9h Mike Blumenthal David Cummings Wow, David, you are so intelligent. An awkward moment is when a Zombie looking for brains walks right by you. Reply 9h David Cummings 4 out of 5 adults have woken up to the truth… Reply 9h Charles Chuck Duncan All poison to reduce the population WAKE UP SHEEPL you are there test Reply 9hEdited Joe McCaffrey I have not received the Shingles vaccination yet but I am up to date on everything else. Reply 10h Jim Book Except that the vaccine for Covid19 doesn't stop anyone from getting it or spreading it as it was effective against the original version only as the mutations have altered the single thing that the vaccines prohibited... Reply 10h Oral Gibson I TOOK THE PFIZER VACCINES A COUPLE OF DAYS AFTER MY SECOND SHOT I DEVELOPED VERTIGO WAS DIAGNOSED WITH A STROKE AND NOW HAVE HEART AND BLOOD PRESSURE PROBLEMS Reply 10h Leon Weech How about a vaccine to keep Fauci away? Reply 10h David Arnce Pass. I enjoy life. Reply 10h Brenda Cuthbertson Natural immunization is the best. There are medications out there that help boost you immune system. Reply 10h Ernie Haskins Yeah get those shots! Reply 10h Irene Hernandez Thank you for sharing Reply 10h Goth Avenged On those days when I fly via my private jet into a town to visit the purveyors of unwanted ads on my FB I start the day with a hearty Mexican-style breakfast including plenty of cheese, garlic-heavy salsas, etc. and, when on-site, always avail myself of the facilities to make sure those little but critical "extras" are in place: a window, a vent with a strong fan, plenty of room deodorizer and a gasket on the door so that party guests don't "share the experience." Also like to make sure the porcelain is high-quality to avoid residual "tracks" and ask the party responsible for the ad to assist with getting a hallway pungency rating. Now THAT'S customer service. Reply 10h Frank Charlesworth Lol Reply 10h Mark Chasse It is now an epidemic if the jabbed. Sadly, with each b$$ster, their immune system is becoming decimated. These numbers from the Uk. Reply 10h Sharon Saathoff Awesome!! Reply 10h Donna Stemple Run away from govt controlled vaccines Reply 10h Reno Lindell No shots for me, thanks! Reply 11h Carole Burns And some of us will never be. Reply 11h Jeremy Cummings 4 out 5 adults are also dumb enough to believe or get triggered by false numbers.... Reply 11h Wayne Klien Funny all my Blood test were normal to just below to just a little High for my Wellness testing every year to Now Dangerous out of Wake to Extremely High the only Different of before to now them COVID SHOTS now DOCTORS are scrambling to get them BACK DOWN ! Reply 11h Patty Collins Will not pay had it Reply 11h Johnny Mars The klottschotts did not protect anybody. The vaxxxxxxxed could still get, spread, and die from the disease. Safe and effective? It was a marketing slogan. Reply 11h Tom Smith Sr. GIF Reply 11h Carla Brantner PFFFTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply 11h Rodney McCloud No thanks !!!!!! Reply 11h Louis Bushaw Pay attention, please. Reply 11h Paul Tuthill I got my 25th booster - I'm now up to date. Reply 11h Kristine LiFari I am up to date!! Reply 11h Pam Carr Oh, yeah. It is highly important to have all of those mercury shots pumped into your bodies. NOT! Everyone should go to youtube and follow Forrest Maready. You will never want any kind of shot again. These shots are killing you. Reply 11h Peter Koerner $$$$$$$$$ Reply 12h Michael Santora the dog farted!lol. Reply 12h Donna Gilreath A healthy body and a healthy immune system doesn't need vaccines. Reply 12h Chris Joslin kill bill nurse GIF Reply 12h Keith Carter Was President Biden vaccinated when he got covid last week ? Reply 12h Clarence Billheimer BE GLAD to take ANY vaccine that is NOT hyped with bribery. Reply 12h Francisco Orozco Research on it before you decide to use it Reply 12h Bob's Way Do you think some of these diseases are brought to us by Illegal aliens 😠😠 Reply 12h Max Lightfoot Bob's Way Absolutely Reply 12h Reid Richards health does not come from a needle or a pill .or do you not understand good water, good food and how we react to EMFs ..all comes down to filling up with heavy metals so please go get a real job.... build a green house. Reply 13h Gary Owens poison Reply 13h Richie Dubetsky Yeah, O.K., I’m stupid, you convinced me. Reply 13hEdited Meneer Sjoerd Can't trust you anymore Reply 13h ---- Humana · Comments Rod Richardson Love You Heart GIF by pikaole Reply 9w Author Humana Thank you for choosing Humana Rod! We're always here to help.-Heather Reply 9w Top fan James Martin Houser Humana So you are present here answering comments? Reply 10h Top fan James Martin Houser Will you reply since I was AWARDED -- Humana Top Fan Badge? HIVUNTREATABLE.HUMANA.REALITYAUDIT.LIFE Reply Remove Preview 10hEdited Top fan James Martin Houser EVEN SHOWING [ TopFan ] Diamond -- I as a member deserve to have a humana response. Reply 10h Author Humana Hello James, If you are a member in need of assistance, you could use the link below to send us a private message. In order for us to be able to assist, we will need your private message to include your full name, zip code, email address and phone number so we can verify your account. Thank you. -Ariana Reply 10h Top fan James Martin Houser Humana The opening of that direction of communication channel started Jul 20, 2022, 5:56 PM ---- WITH SEVERAL ADDED CONTENT TIMESTAMPS AS OF.... July 20, 2022 5:58 PM ---- Jul 21, 2022, 6:25 AM ---- Jul 21, 2022, 6:29 AM ---- and YESTERDAY Saturday at 4:26 PM ---- I wrote: "???" ---- You absolutely have not responded to me. You absolutely have GHOSTED this interface with me. !! ---- And as of right now, I am carrying the "TOP FAN" Badge --- Why do you all treat me so badly? Reply 40m Top fan James Martin Houser Reply 39m Top fan James Martin Houser Humana If you DO NOT ENGAGE WITH ME AS A MEMBER ON SOCIAL MEDIA --- THEN I WILL USE THIS METHOD TO DELIVER MY "BUSINESS INSTRUMENT COMMUNICATIONS" INTO YOUR CARE AND CONCERN FOR PROCESSING..... @RealityAudit - Humana Grievances 1 (800) 949-2961 -------- I see that you have SELECTED to HIDE my original posted commenting here on this photo item. ------ Pay it no mind, I have a copy of the text added as well as the entire REPLY CHAIN of this conversation..... TEXT FILE: HUMANA.FUCKEDUPHUMAN.SPACE Reply Remove Preview 11mEdited Dave Herington Won't stop robocalling me and they are MY insurance company! Constantly bothering existing customers is really a poor marketing decision. I will gladly pay more with any of your competitors than give you disrespectful *!&!#!!'s another dime. I will be taking my business elsewhere. Reply 9w Author Humana Hi Dave. We hear your concern and have tried reaching out to you to resolve your issue. Again, we apologize if this situation has caused any frustration. Please send a private Facebook message with your name (as it appears on your member ID card), email address, phone number, and zip code so we can identify who you are. Thanks. -Tee Reply 9w Dave Herington Humana I have called you on the phone numerous times now and provided all this same information you mention to stop these harassing robocalls. So has my insurance man. Told today that these phone calls would stop coming form the 833 area code promotion in 10 to 15 days. previously they had come from another area code. I assume these calls will continue from a new number in 10 to 15 days. LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE! Reply 9w Jeanette Stingley Great company to work for Reply 9w Rod Richardson Thank you Humana not only for this but For your customer service that is top notch. Ever since I have been with yall things have been good. I hope things stay good, as we never know when our insurance is needed. Reply 9w David McPeake Can anybody point out where/when HUMANA observed/recognized Memorial Day, this year? Not Veterans Day but, Memorial Day. Is it on their website?🇺🇲 Reply 9w Steven Ray Sinkler David I’m waiting to see them reply Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF by Saturday Night Live Reply 5w Melissa Moffett 👏🏼❤️ Reply 9w BJ Singh Nice Reply 9w Sam Pitts Pitiful Reply 9w